Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Velvet Underground; I'll Be Your Mirror

Divine Love while the Creation peaks at the Creator
(one allegoric meaning would map to Sarte's no exit. but the literal interpretation would point to Divine love)

When you think the night has seen your mind/That inside you're twisted and unkind/Let me stand to show that you are blind/Please put down your hands/'Cause I see you/I'll be your mirror

Artist:"The Velevet Underground";
Album:"The Velevet Underground";
Song:"I'll Be Your Mirror";
Rating:"Heaven:Primum Mobile";

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Katy Perry; California Gurls

The song reaks of falleness. Loring woman into believing that there is a glory in objectifying themselves. Snoop unleashing his libidinal thoughts at the end doesn't help. No one is edified by these lyrics. No good comes from fooling woman into devaluing themselves. All senses, no community beyond the material.

Artist:"Katy Perry";
Album:"California Gurls";
Song:"California Gurls";
Rating:"Hell:Malbolge:Evil Councelors";

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Neil Young; Ohio

A proding voice of Fortitude. Putting you face to face with your raw will and virtue -- and choice to do what is right ... What if you knew her/And found her dead on the ground/How can you run when you know. This is a song which forces the human will to the for front. it cannot hide. it needs to exercise its function to choose(be the wheat, be the chaff)

Artist:"Neil Young";
Album:"Greatest Hits";

Coldplay;The Scientist

Purgatorio: Canto 30.
The lyrics are reminiscent of Dante's confession to Beatrice in Earthly Paradise. He turns to his guide virgil and finds him gone. He senses Beatrice. She has a veil and is dressed in the colors of faith, hope, and love--white, green and red. She rebukes him. With tear filled eyes, Dante begins his final purgation--...Come up to meet you/Tell You I'm Sorry -- he confesses his falleness to the vanities of life after her death...Questions of Science/Science and Progress/Don't speak as loud as my heart

This song has an infectious melody and an amazing singer! -Daddy's anonymous little angel

Album:"A Rush Of Blood To The Head";
Song:"The Scientist";
Rating:"Purgatory:Earthly Paradise";