Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pink Floyd; Wish You Were Here

The first part of the song....So you think you can tell/Heavan from Hell?[Here the narrator is challanging the subjects wisedom. His understanding of paradox's and diochotomies. His logo-centrism.]

The second part of the song...Did they get you to trade/Your Heros for Ghost[Now he is questioning the comprosises he has made. In his imperfect understanding]

These questions or paradoxes lead to growth and a plea...How I wish/How I wish you were here[Here he is hopeful. A wish is Hopeful.]
The Narrartor is clearly in a different place than the person he is talking too. He reminisces about their previous state ...We're just two lost souls swimmiing in a fish bowl. Maybe in Rome. Maybe a roman, pagan friend. lost in the material, imperfect metaphysic...never to be redeemed or risen in Christian Love...Running over the same old ground. I see this song on the lips of Cato as he brings souls into purgatory

Artist:"Pink Floyd";
Album:"Wish You Were Here";
Song:"Wish You Were Here";

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Queen;These Are The Days Of Our Life

Chock full of Prudence, and Wisdom...No use sitting and thinkin' on what you did/When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids

Song:"These Are The Days Of Our Life";

Jason Derulo; Ridin Solo

This song becomes difficult to to rate. It sits between an excessive love of secondary good(his previous relationship) and some other state which is not mentioned. The fact that this is a backslide from the Puragtaory the lustful. shows that he could not have made it to this level. There are no backslides in purgatory.

He is remorseful...I am sorry that it didn't work out
I know it is purgatory, because it has hope...better days are going to get better.

But he is going solo which is more of a regrouping. Indolent

Artist:"Jason Derulo";
Album:"Jason Derulo";
Song:"Ridin Solo";
Rating:"Purgatory:Purgatory:Late Repentant-Indolent";

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Velvet Underground; I'm Waiting for my Man

Shows some patience. Promptness. But the the subject suffers the weakness of addiction. He is not waiting to build community. He is not waiting to plant a tree. He is waiting to continue to invest in his own solapsism.

Artist:"The Velvet Underground";
Album:"The Velvet Underground";
Song:"I'm Waiting For My Man";
Subject:"Narrator; Rating:"Hell:Gluttony";